ENVIRONMENTAL ALLERGIES and the benefits of inhaling essential oils!

  • Nov, 17 , 20
  • Martina Steege
Inhaling essential oils stimulates the olfactory system, and therefore the central nervous system. Also, inhaled essential oils come in direct contact with nasal passages, sinuses, and lungs. Inhaling essential oils can treat respiratory conditions such as colds, the flu, sore throat, sinus congestion, environmental allergies, etc. Essential oils can cross into the bloodstream from the lungs. This is a quick way to deliver essential oils to the whole internal system of the body via the blood.

The internal lining of the respiratory system is a mucous membrane, which is thinner than external skin, therefore essential oil can cross the lining more quickly. Mucous membranes line just about all of the internal organs of the body, including the stomach, small and large intestine, and urinary bladder. On the other side of the mucous membrane are millions of capillaries, just waiting to pick up nutrients that “seep” through the membrane. Because of the rich bed of capillaries and thinness of the membrane, essential oil constituents picked up by the mucous membrane via inhalation are quickly absorbed into the blood. From these capillaries, the constituents can travel throughout the body with blood.
The synergy blend in "Easy Breather" (available as a spray or inhaler) helps clearing the sinuses and assisting with the upper respiratory system, supporting the circulatory system and enhancing the immune system.